East Timor


Oecussi is a well-known city in East Timor country. In fact, two original kingdoms were actually named as Oecussi and Ambeno. However, Ambeno managed to exist only until the colonial period. Oecussi has an area of 815 square kilometers.

As per the census conducted in the year 2004, the population of this city was estimated to be 58,521. In fact, it is said that these people were later divided into 13,016 households. There are many ethnic groups found in this city. One such major ethnic group is named as Atoni. This indigenous ethnic group was up to 20,000 in terms of numbers. However, this city is also surrounded by the same ethnic group as well, especially from the parts of West Timor.

When it comes to the history of this great city in East Timor, it was the initial part of the Timor Islands. In fact, this was the place, where Portuguese managed to build their strong platform. Hence, this city is also termed as the cradle of the country East Timor. However, it was since 1556, some of the religions found their platform in this city. In fact, missionary works were the first religious developments that took place in this city. A group consisting of some Dominican Brothers was the first to start missionary works in this city. However, the same group managed to baptize most of the family in this city and hence, they converted most of people into Christians. Some well-known sub-cities such as Ambeko, Macassar, Pante etc, were also encroached by this group of brothers.

It was during 1960s, the Portuguese founded their stronger establishment in this city, especially in some sub-cities such as Flores and Larantuka. However, this city was also populated with some Eurasian people. The tribal groups formed by the Eurasian people in this city were named as Topasses. However, during the after periods of 1664, the Topasses were dominated by the government officers belonging to the Da Costa and Hornay families. In the year 1702, the city named as Lifua received its first governor from the government of Lisbon. This was the same city, which was termed as the capital city of Oecussi as well. Unfortunately, many clashes were witnessed between the independent Topasses and the government, which also turned out to be extreme violence acts sometimes. Because of this, the colonial of Dutch was also attacked by the Topasses living in this city.

However, this city was later under the control of the Portuguese government. Later, because of the Treaty of Lisbon, the Netherlands as well as the Portugal decided to divide this city amongst them equally. Because of this, the Kupang colonial seat became the part of East Timor and West Timor turned out to be a Dutch destination.

Oecussi is also top rated as a touring destination. In fact, millions of vacationers make their way to this beautiful city every year. There are some world’s top rated hotels located in this city, which are offering a quality deal in terms of both luxury as well as comfort. Therefore, vacationers can explore the beauty of this city with great convenience.


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